Friday, July 17, 2015

5 years

Today is our 5 year anniversary! Unfortunately, we won't get to spend it together because Scott has to be at the firehouse (boo!), but we have some pretty cool things planned for tomorrow instead! 

When we were doing our marriage counseling prior to getting hitched, we each had to write down 5 things that we loved about the other person.   I tried looking for what I wrote down about Scott, but couldn't find it (double boo!).  I'll have to listen to the video and get them that way.

Things have definitely changed in the 5 years we have been married, so I decided to write down my updated list of 5 things I love about Scott. So here we go! 

1. Your drive-  You are always up before the sun and you don't quit until a job is done.  That type of drive is hard to come by now-a-days.  You once told me "If I don't make it, it won't be from not trying." 
2. The way you love our little girl-  The title kind of sums this one up.  You are simply amazing with Fiona, and the way she loves you in return is a testament to how great you are with her. Before we had Fiona, I wondered what type of Daddy you would be. Would you be stern, a softy, I just had trouble picturing how you would be.  You are such a great Daddy, watching you with our girl fills my heart with such joy, it about explodes!
3. Your gentleness- For a rough and tough Marine/now Firefighter, you are so sweet and gentle. (I won't go into much detail here, but this picture says it all)

4. Your fire- Everything you do, you do it with everything you have.  Be it your work, fun, or your love, its your all.

And last but not least 

5. Your sacrifice- You have never backed down from any challenge.  You are never afraid to risk yourself for others (even if I dont always like it). 

I love you and the life you have given me, Scott.  You are my everything! Here's to many more, my love. 

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