Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Fiona's 11 Month Favorites

I cannot believe our baby is 11 months old!  This has been such a big and fun month for her!  She has learned to stand with out assistance as well as walk! I just can't get enough of her wide leg drunken walk! With each passing milestone I always feel that bittersweet tug on my heart, but let me tell you- being her Mom gets better every day!  She is really starting to show affection to us with her snuggles hugs and those wonderful open mouth kisses. She has such a silly budding sense of humor, and good gracious is she a tease! Just look at that smile!
She also loves watching Daddy work outside. 
I have put together some of her favorite toys below.  The stacking cups have been a favorite for a while, but recently the Pop up books have been the best.

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