Age: 15 months
Stats: 22 lbs and about 29 inches
Favorite Foods: Goldfish, Blueberries, Bananas, Chicken, Tots, Yogurt, M&M (thanks to my dad, BugBug), fruit and veggie Smoothies, and good ol' Government cheese (American cheese)
Words: All done, Uh-Oh, Bye-Bye, Da Da, Ma Ma, Yeah! Ba Ba and our new favorite- Jibberish. I think she thinks she is really talking, because she will point and something and literally say 'dflskjfoe sldfDKf;osef LSd" lol
Favorite Activities: Going for walks, swinging, the water table or wagon, feeding and holding her baby, puzzles, helping me clean and cook, and coloring is quickly becoming a favorite. And as you can see by the photo below, the dogs are also one of her fav toys.
Hates: still hates diaper changes and Mama leaving her or putting her down and lets add bedtime to this one as well.
Signature Moves: Fake belly laughs, and being SO busy.
Love you baby girl!
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