Tuesday, June 16, 2015


This past weekend has been very difficult for my family.  I've been on the fence about posting anything about this, but decided to do short post. One of my goals for this year, was to try and focus more on the good in my life, instead of to dwell on the negative.  I feel, especially with Facebook, it has become this platform for rants and complaints.  I wanted my little place in the internet to be light and happy.  But life isn't always light and happy.
Today, my brother, sister-in-law and niece move up to Philly.  It's not by choice, but for a job relocation.  Everyone is super sad about this. If that wasn't enough of a reminder that life just isn't always how we plan it, we had a medical scar in our close immediate family over the weekend, that showed me just how quickly things can change.  Thankfully, things are looking so much brighter today.  But I'll tell you, if there was one thing that I took away from this weekend, its that my family is awesome! We love each other dearly and will always be there for each other.  So take a moment and tell the people you love how much they mean to you, you never know when the chance may be taken from you. 

My mom wanted some photos taken of the girls before they all left, and let me tell you- taking pictures of a 1 and 5 year old can be a little difficult, but these babes did great.  Here are some of our favorites. 


A, J and E- We will miss you terribly, Philly is so lucky to get you!

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