Monday, June 29, 2015

A Water Weekend

For those of you who follow me on instagram (edmcdoug), I'm sure you noticed we spent the weekend cooling off by the lake and by the pool.  Some friends of our, graciously invited us to their lake house on Saturday, and even though it rained a little on and off during the day, we had a blast!  

We all played in the sand, floated in the water, went on boat and jet ski rides, and even tried some paddle boarding.

Fiona is so chill (most of the time). While I paddled around in the little lagoon, she just sat there and enjoyed the ride. Roxy, on the other hand was super stressed about her girls being so far away.  She actually jumped off the dock and swam to us, poor thing. 

Mr. P was in hog heaven, cooling off in the water, when he wasn't chasing the other dogs. 

Sunday, we all slept in, had a lazy morning, worked in the garden (more on that later), went for a walk, hung by the pool and grabbed our favorite Mexican food with some friends.

Happy Monday, Friends and here's to a four day work week!

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