Friday, July 3, 2015


Every spring, Scott and I pull out our garden gloves and start planting our veggie garden.  And come July, I. am. over. it.  Mainly, I am over the heat and the mosquitoes, but also, we get so busy with all the great things summer has to offer, our garden gets put on the back burner. 

I made it a personal goal this year to not let the weeds take over/ forget to water/ over plant/ just give up on the garden.  I've tried to do a little every week so it never gets too overwhelming.  I've also tried to let Fiona "help" pull the weeds and pick the veggies.  We are working on our colors, so it makes it a fun game to "only pick the red ones" 

Hope you all have a fabulous and safe July 4th! 

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