Monday, June 22, 2015

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all of those wonderful Dads out there.  Daddy's have such an important role in their children's lives. They are the protectors, the fixers and in my house, always the silly ones.  I am definitely one of the lucky ones, who had an all around knock out for a Dad. Caring, funny, loving and strict enough he wouldn't let me out of the house when "nope- not gonna happen- turn out around and change those clothes, young lady" were common occurrences.  I know I can always count on my Dad to be there in a skinny minute, as soon as something goes wrong.  I also think he is the reason I chose Scott.  Scott and my Dad have so many similar qualities. Their handiness, personalities and above all, their fierce love for their families.  There is nothing those men wouldn't do or give for the ones they love.

Scott- I am so grateful for everyday I get to raise our baby next to you.  You make life so easy and good gracious do your girls love you! 

Happy Father's Day, boys! We love you to the moon and back!

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