Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Grandfather Mountain Highland Games

We spent this past weekend up at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in Linville, NC.  It was a super long weekend, but we had a blast.  I can't remember if I've mentioned this before, but I teach Scottish Highland Dance (no not Riverdance, much better ;-))  Some of my dancers traveled up to compete in the competition held up at Grandfather.

We have been going to the Highland Games up at Grandfather Mountain for about 20 years.  I don't dance there anymore, but my dancers do and now I help run the competition.  If you ever wanted to try out a Highland Games, I would highly recommend Grandfather.  There is great food, music and wonderful entertainment for the whole family. 
We had absolutely superb weather this past weekend.  Highs around 80 and beautiful North Carolina blue skies. 
Fiona was such a trooper, she fit right in with all the kids. She was held and loved on by everyone and absolutely loved watching the dancing and border collie and sheep demonstrations.

I even got to see one of the trophies that I won in the past.  

So proud of my dancer's at the competition, they danced great! 

Like I said....trooper this one.  She was so good about napping on the go, even with 789 bagpipers playing all around her. 

Highland Heavy Athletics throwing the caber.

The sheep Fiona fell in love with.

My little Scottish girl enjoying the sheep herding.

Until next year Grandfather. You certainly hold a special place in our hearts!

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