Thursday, September 3, 2015

New studio update

Hello again! We are finally seeing the light, after spending countless hours/evenings/days/years in the new Studio.  (drumrollllll) We are officially OPEN! Everything is not complete. But the floors, are done, mirrors are up, walls are painted and I have already held my first week of classes there.  It is really something, dreaming all your life about opening a studio, and seeing that dream become a reality.  It has not been easy, at all.  But it feels so great to have it open and working! I really couldn't have done it without the help of my husband and parents.  They have been work horses through it all! 
Here are a few pictures I snapped during the work progress.  I'll try to take some this weekend of it complete.  I guess that's if it gets completed! 

I love this one of Fiona.  She is crazy about running around and dancing in the studio.  

First class held last Thursday! Happy Dancers!!

If you are in the Raleigh area and are interested in Ballet, Tap, Jazz or Scottish Highland. Check out our website at

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