Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Fiona's 2 Year Old Update

So we are about two months behind in posting this, but here are the stats from Fiona's two year old check up and a little update on our sweet BIG girl!

Age: 24 months
(Now she is 3 months past her 2 YO birthday)
Stats: 28.5 lbs and about 31.5 inches (gained 4.1 lbs and 1.75 inches)
Favorite Foods: Watermelon, Strawberries, blueberries, (are you picking up the theme here?), any type of pasta dish, eggs, Ice Cream (Eye Ceam), Smoothies, Popsicles, Apples (which are really oranges, she just can say apples easier so I think that's why she calls them that) #idowhatiwant
Words: She is basically saying everything right now, or at least attempting to. Scott can decipher words and what she is trying to say so much better than I can.  I think the phrase she says the most, and it just cracks us up, is anytime something is broken, dirty, messed up or any other way than its supposed to be, then she says "oh NO, Ra Ra"  She calls our dog Roxy, Ra Ra.  Once day Roxy threw up and it was all over Fi's books and I said "oh NO, Ra Ra!" well that stuck and that is our phrase for basically anything that has gone wrong.  Poor Rox gets blamed for a lot of stuff in our house.  She also is always telling whomever she is currently playing with to "MOOOOONNN" Like come on, but just mashes the two together.

Favorite Activities: I would say Fiona's favorite thing to do right now it dance. Girlfriend can't stop! She will dance to any type of music, its so adorable! She still loves painting and coloring and any type of arts and craft. She loves playing at the park and going down the slides, and she still loves to play in her cozy coupe car while Scott and I are working in the back yard. She loves watering the plants with us and taking care of her baby doll as well.  
Hates: I have really had a hard time thinking of things she hates.  She gets mad at the dogs a lot for getting in her space or trying to take her food, but other than that, she is one happy lady!  

Signature Moves: Currently, she is digging being naked, every time I turn around she is striping down.    

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