Monday, June 1, 2015

Let's Get This Week and Our Goals Started!

One huge part of my life, that I haven't touched on in this blog, is that I am was AM a Scottish Highland Dancer.  Not just dancing here and there, but I mean practicing hours a week/travel the world and seriously LOVING Scottish Dance. I mainly just teach now.  I may do a step or show a student what a step is supposed to look like here and there, but I haven't really done much dancing, let alone danced a full dance through since I had Fiona.  I'm still learning this "new" body that I have and accepting the things that just aren't the same, and probably never will be.  Honestly, I've been a little afraid to really start dancing again, simply because of the fact that it just doesn't feel like it used to.   I'm more tired now, stiffer, my body just doesn't respond like I'm used to and because mom guilt.  

A couple of months ago, I was asked to dance for the Clan MacDougall Society of North America's 50 Anniversary Celebration at Grandfather Mountain in July.  I immediately said yes, and thought what an honor it would be to dance for them.  Then I remembered, Oh right, I haven't really "danced" since I've had Fiona, what am I thinking!!!!

 Time is passing as it always does and I still haven't found time for practicing....until this morning.  I just happened to have a client cancel, and as I sat there in a wonderfully quiet studio, I just said "Why not?" As I was slowly warming up and going through some of the dances that I thought would be great for that evening, I began to think I needed some way to keep myself accountable, because I missed it and forgot how much fun it can be! 

So, here it is: my goal for the next month and a half is to make time for at least 2- 30 minute sessions a week. I will try to have fun while I do it and lastly make those 30 precious minutes a priority.  

 If there is anyone out there who has been needing that extra push or "sign" (I'm huge into signs) to get going on a goal, leave a comment and just maybe we can keep each other going! 

Happy Dancing! 

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