Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Week

I can't believe it is almost Christmas! I am slowly but surely marking things off my to-do list. We have had a fun filled week so far, and it really is just beginning. Here is a little rundown of what we've accomplished so far.

We finally sent out our family Christmas cards.  This year I was so on top of the game, we took pictures on the last warm day of the year and ordered them from Simply to Impress on Cyber Monday.  They had the BEST choices.  I always felt so limited with Shutterfly and those other sites, definitely check out Simply to Impress next year.  

Every year, I love receiving Christmas cards.  I always hang them on a garland on our banister with clothes pins.  It is such a fun way to display them.  Fiona also love looking at all her friends. 

Fiona had her Christmas dance recital this past weekend.  We were SO proud! I wasn't sure how she would do.  She can be very shy, especially in front of a bunch of strangers, but she rallied and did a great job.  They danced to The Hippopotamus Song, and I could barely keep the tears in! She informed us as we were driving to the show, that she was going to leap during the dance (there wasn't supposed to be a leap).  She did the leap and I almost busted out laughing.    

We have made cookies and currently I am watching my favorite Christmas Movie, White Christmas. 

 Two more days until Christmas! I hope you have all finished your Christmas to-do lists! 
Also... Happy 3 Months to our sweet Evie Girl! 

Merry almost Christmas! 

Friday, December 16, 2016

New Hope Valley Christmas Train

We took a trip on the New Hope Valley Railroad this past weekend and it was the absolute cutest Harry Potteresque steam engine I've ever seen! It is a 1920's restored steam engine that pulls a open air passenger cars and little red caboose. 

We also happened to pre-order tickets for the coldest day we have had so far this winter! But we didn't let that stop us! We bundled up and piled onto the train and enjoyed Fiona's first Choo Choo ride, (along with a little flask to keep the adults toasty). 

Fiona thought the whole trip was great (minus the run in the Santa)! I will say it was a step up from her last Santa visit, but just barely! She basically pretended he didn't exist when he plopped himself right across from her. She did manage to squeak out she wanted a guitar for Christmas. Baby steps!

I think I lucked out and had the warmest seat in the house holding baby Evie. 

Fiona loved hearing the noises coming from the engine, we even quoted some lines from one of our favorite books, The Little Engine that Could.  
All in all, it was magical and we are definitely added it to our Christmas to-do list every year! 

And now I am off to try and find some of the presents I've hidden around the house! Here's hoping I don't pull a Clarke W. Griswald and find one hiding in my closet come May! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Fireplace Bookshelves: Part Two

Y'all! We have finished the bookcases! Well 95% finished them.  I think I've mentioned the 95% rule before.  You know where your basically finished with project, but maybe have a couple touch ups or maybe the last coat of paint left to apply before you can realllllly call it 100% done. But Good Gracious, Praise Jesus, Alleluia, they are basically done!!!!

They have added such a nice touch to our living room.  It always boggles my mind how adding something so large to a room can actually make things look bigger.  The bookshelves frame the fireplace so nicely.

We even managed to give all of the base boards in the living room and new coat of paint, which made everything look that much better! 

We spent one whole Sunday finishing up the last minute details like attaching the doors, adding the door hardware (which is SO much harder than it looks), and touching up paint. 

Really the only thing left to do is to get a new fireplace door/screen, and we would like to add two shelves inside the cabinets for more storage.  We have DVDs in one cabinet and the sub woofer and plugs in the other. The DVDs really only take up the bottom portion of the cabinet- just imagine all the extra stuff we can store and hide away!!

Here is the link to Part one of building the bookshelves.

We have also recently finished the master bath... I will be posting about that soon.  

Monday, December 5, 2016

Our weekend...and more

Scott and I have tried our darnedest to not rush things with Fiona, but this year has been so special watching her get excited about Santa and all things Christmas, we just can't help it!!

We started the Elf on the Shelf this year.  It was absolutely adorable to see how excited she was when we told her that Santa had brought her donuts and her elf, which she named Elf.  It hasn't really phased her with the whole "Santa can see you throw this temper tantrum," but Hey! there's always next year....

We have already completed a couple items off of our Christmas bucket list.  This past weekend the girls and I joined my parents up in the mountains to pick out the good ol' Bartow family Christmas tree.  I think this is the prettiest one yet! 

We still have a couple more fun items to complete before the big day! 

We have tickets to ride the Triangle Train next weekend.  The train is an open air steam engine.  It looks straight out of a Harry Potter book!  I am so excited about this.  Fiona is in love with trains.  We have actually tried to ride a train with Fiona 2 times and we have been thwarted by the weather 2 times!! I'm feeling good vibes that the third times the charm. 

We still have to see Santa, make Christmas cookies, take a ride to look at Christmas lights and let's not forget squeeze in a couple Christmas vacation marathons! 

So excited the Christmas season is finally here!! 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

I hope everyone had a wonderful and delicious Thanksgiving! 
Ours was a little more laid back this year, which is just what the doctor ordered! We typically have Scott's brother and his girlfriend stay with us over the holiday weekend, but they decided to stay in NY this year.  Our house felt empty for sure! 
We spent this Thanksgiving with Scott's side.  Scott is from a very large family with lots of siblings and grand kids.  It makes for a wild and crazy gathering, but we always come home with great memories!  It was especially fun watching Fi play with her cousins all weekend.  Last year she was still a little young to play, but this year she held her own, even in the cousin tickle fights! 

We even had a chance to meet at Nana's farmhouse for some family pictures.  Thanksgiving is the only time everyone gets a chance to be together so we wanted to take advantage of the beautiful scenery and capture everyone, because kids are definitely growing before our eyes.  

Now that Thanksgiving is officially over, I am allowed to decorate the house for Christmas! I can already tell this year will be the most magical yet! Fi is at such a fun age for all of the Christmas fun! I will be posting our Christmas Bucket list tomorrow! Hopefully we will manage to check everything off this year!! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Evie Q- 1 Month update

It is totally different the second time around.  I feel like I am in a constant battle of wanting Evie to stay in the tiny tree frog posing, little bundle baby loaf phase forever and wanting her to grow and see all of those wonderful and fun milestones we have enjoyed so much with Fiona.  You are definitely more laid back the second time around, I half way think its because you just don't have the time to worry about the little things because you are still chasing the first around like normal. But like with every baby, these first weeks have flown by in a blink of an eye! 

I have been blessed with great sleepers.  Fiona started sleeping in 5 hour stretches the first week home, Evie however trumps her big sister and has consistently slept 7-9 hour stretches since the second week.  I really didn't do anything specific to achieve this, except to keep her in bright lights/daylight during the day and once the sun goes down, make a more dim and quiet atmosphere to try and get her on the correct day/night schedule. She also has a fair amount of colic/fussy time during the evenings, so she could just absolutely wear herself out before bed time. 

Evie is also a champion eater.  Fiona and I battled with breastfeeding for the first 2.5-3 months.  I ended up nursing Fi for a year and it did eventually become very natural, but we definitely had to work at it. Evie has been a pro since day one.  I don't know if it is because I am more experienced or if it is Evie, but that has definitely been another blessing especially with having a toddler bouncing around and "helping". 

We got to see her bright, beautiful smile about two weeks (since Evie is almost two months old now) and she has the sweetest little crooked grin.  I can't wait for those little smiles to happen more and more over the next weeks. 

Basically if Evie is being held (specifically by me), has her paci or is in her wrap, then she is a happy baby.  I will be posting my Newborn Must Haves soon, so if you are knee deep in the screaming newborn nightmare, maybe you can find something that might work for you and so I can remember one day if we decide to have another baby. 

Official weight at 1 month appt- 10.10lbs 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween 2016!

Fiona had a blast trick or treating, and Evie enjoyed being all snuggled up with Mama that she slept the whole time.

I made the rookie mistake of the year and forgot the memory card for our big camera so we just had our phones. 

Fiona went through wanting to be alllll of the Disney princesses for Halloween before she settled on Elmo.  I didn't think I could attempt to make a home made Elmo this year with a newborn so I hit up trusty Amazon for her costume. I was slightly nervous getting Elmo because she was so wishy washy over her choice. As soon as she saw her costume, there was no looking back. 

Last week we went to the trunk or treat at our church.  It was a beautiful day and I'm so glad we went because Scott got to see her trick or treat. He had to work at the station Halloween so he missed the real trick or treating. 

Halloween night, the girls and I stopped by the station to trick or treat with the firemen, then made our way to my parents house.

Fiona had a blast trick or treating and by the end of the night she was finally saying trick or treat loud enough to hear! 

Hopefully next year Scott won't be on shift and we can do a family theme! Now time to pack away my one Halloween decor I put out this year, and get ready for Thanksgiving!