Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween 2016!

Fiona had a blast trick or treating, and Evie enjoyed being all snuggled up with Mama that she slept the whole time.

I made the rookie mistake of the year and forgot the memory card for our big camera so we just had our phones. 

Fiona went through wanting to be alllll of the Disney princesses for Halloween before she settled on Elmo.  I didn't think I could attempt to make a home made Elmo this year with a newborn so I hit up trusty Amazon for her costume. I was slightly nervous getting Elmo because she was so wishy washy over her choice. As soon as she saw her costume, there was no looking back. 

Last week we went to the trunk or treat at our church.  It was a beautiful day and I'm so glad we went because Scott got to see her trick or treat. He had to work at the station Halloween so he missed the real trick or treating. 

Halloween night, the girls and I stopped by the station to trick or treat with the firemen, then made our way to my parents house.

Fiona had a blast trick or treating and by the end of the night she was finally saying trick or treat loud enough to hear! 

Hopefully next year Scott won't be on shift and we can do a family theme! Now time to pack away my one Halloween decor I put out this year, and get ready for Thanksgiving!

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