Friday, October 21, 2016

Fiona- 2.5 Year Update

Age: 2.5 Years
Stats: 32 lbs and about 35.25 inches 
Favorite Foods: Yogurt, Donuts (pronounced Dunoats), Grilled Cheese stars, any type of casserole, basically anything except every other veggie besides broccoli. She is a very good eater. 

Words: She has such a great vocabulary.  She pretty much says everything.  My favorite phrases are: "Ma! A Storms Humming!"  "Do you LOVE it, Momma," Banbains or Bandaids. 
Favorite Activities: Arts and crafts are still an all time favorite. Every morning she likes to drink her milk, hold Evie and watch Octonauts while I make breakfast for everyone. Dancing is another favorite.  Anytime she hears music, the girl is dancing away.  Bless her heart, she tries her darnedest to keep up with the big girls at dance, and to be honest, she does a pretty good job! One of our favorite afternoon past times is to turn on the children's Disney station on Pandora and dance the afternoon away. She also has the best imagination, we are always running away and hiding from "monders." This is such a fun stage!!  
She also won't turn down a chance to make silly faces on good ol' snapchat. 

Hates: The hand blow dryer in public restrooms. 😂

This is such a fun age.  I have been pleasantly surprised with 2.  I heard all these terrible twos horror stories, I was slightly nervous when I witnessed that first temper tantrum.  Fi is the sweetest and most loving little bitty, the twos are quickly turning into one of my favorite ages.  Here is the link to her 15 month Update and 13 month Update

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